The Governing Body

The Governing Body

The Governing Body takes a largely strategic role in the running of the school in setting its aims and objectives, policies and targets for achieving objectives, and in reviewing progress. Greenway’s Governing Body is made up of two parent Governors, one Local Authority Governor, two staff Governors and seven co-opted Governors. The Head Teacher has the right to be a Governor. Each Governor is nominated or elected for a four year period. The Chair of Governors is elected annually. The present Chair is Elizabeth O’Reilly.

The Governors are very active in their support of the school and meet at least three times a term as a full Governing Body.

Minutes of meetings are available via the school office on request.

To contact the Chair of Governors, please email

As at September 2024, the present Governing Body comprises:

Parent Governors

Shane Anderson
Megan Lemon


Nick Brown
Louise Collins (Vice Chair)
Janet English
Sheena Marsh
Kate Moody
Elizabeth O’Reilly (Chair)
Michele Webb (Non Teaching Staff)

Local Authority

Anita Nielson


Katharine Ellwood
Mark Loczy

Governor Biographies

Shane Anderson

Parent Governor October – 2023-2027

Shane joined the Greenway Governing Body as a Parent Governor in October 2023. He has two children, one at Greenway and one soon to join. Shane is the Director of Strategy for a FTSE50 company and is a member of the executive team. He also chairs the business’s Disability Advisory Group.

Nick Brown

Co-opted Governor July – 2024-2028

Nick joined Greenway Governing Body as a parent governor in September 2016 following no nominations having been received from within the school’s parent body. He is a chartered surveyor with his own practise based in Tring and a part time university lecturer – he grew up in Berkhamsted and went through the town’s school system.

Responsibilities: Premises, Health and Safety

Louise Collins

Vice Chair of Governors

Co-opted Governor – Sept 2023 – 2027

First elected by parents to Greenway’s Governing Body in 2011, Lou was reappointed for a further 4 years in July 2015 and then she was reappointed as a co-opted governor in September 2019. In her most recent employment, she was responsible for the quality assurance of criminal advocacy and then for the transition of Legal Aid from the Legal Services Commission to the Ministry of Justice, covering all aspects of organisational transition from legislation to transfer of operations, staff, pensions and budget.  She is mum to 4 – all her sons attended Greenway – and has a range of voluntary roles including as a Director for the GB Olympians Association

Responsibilities: :  Chair of Behaviour Panel.  Delivery and Analysis of Parent Questionnaire. Governor Link: PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic)  & RSHE (Relationships, Sex and Health Education); Mental Health & Wellbeing; Behaviour & Attitudes; and PESSPA (Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity) including Sport Premium.

Katharine Ellwood

Head Teacher

Katharine was appointed as Head Teacher in 2009

Janet English

Co-opted Governor – September 2022-2026

Janet joined Greenway Governing Body as a Co-opted Governor in September 2022.  She has one grown-up son, who attended Greenway.  From 2007 to 2019, Janet was the General Manager of an international data management company, which she co-owned with her husband.  Prior to this, Janet had been a freelance Market Research Consultant, with BT as her main client.  During this time, she also worked as a freelance business coach, coaching market research professionals in people management, client handling and market research skills.

Responsibilities: Pay Committee; Governor Link – English Curriculum, Religious Education Curriculum

Megan Lemon

Parent Governor – October 2023-2027

Megan joined Greenway Governing Body as a Parent Governor in October 2023.  In her most recent employment, she worked for a Vehicle Leasing firm and was responsible for their compliance with the Financial Conduct Authority.  She has two daughters who both attend Greenway. 

Responsibilities: Governor Link – Early Years and Foundation Stage

Mark Loczy

Staff Governor – September 2024-2028

Mark was appointed as a Staff Governor in September 2020 and is currently the Year 1 teacher.

Sheena Marsh

Co-opted Governor – July 2023-2027

Sheena joined Greenway Governing Body as a co-opted governor in July 2023. Sheena has worked as a social worker for the past 25 years, primarily working within children’s services and specialising in adoption for the past 14 years. She has a keen interest in improving opportunities for children disadvantaged by additional needs related to learning, social, emotional and behavioural issues. Sheena lives in Berkhamsted and has 3 adult children who all attended Greenway between 1994 and 2008.

Responsibilities: Governor Links – History Curriculum and Geography Curriculum

Kate Moody

Co-opted Governor – September 2024-2028

Kate joined Greenway Governing Body as a Co-opted Governor in September 2024. She has two teenage children who attended Greenway. Between 2011 and 2023, Kate worked in education as a higher level teaching assistant. She now has a role as a mental health practitioner, working with children and young people with mental health difficulties and with schools to ensure a whole school approach to mental health and well-being. Kate’s passion for pupil well-being will drive her work on the Governing Body.

Responsibilities: Governor Link: PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) Mental Health & Wellbeing; Behaviour & Attitudes

Anita Nielsen

Local Authority Governor – July 2023-2027

Anita joined Greenway Governing Body as the Local Authority Governor in July 2023.   She is a qualified accountant by background and has worked in a number of financial services organisations over the last 30 years. In her most recent employment, she was responsible for the delivery and oversight of regulated administrative fund and investment services.  She has two grown-up sons, who attended Greenway.

Responsibilities: Pay Committee; Governor Link – Finance

Elizabeth O’Reilly, MBE

Chair of Governors

Co-opted Governor – September 2023 – 2027

Elizabeth was re-appointed as a Co-opted Governor in September 2019 having served first as a Parent Governor and then a Co-opted Governor at Greenway. In addition to her position as Chair of Governors she is the Safeguarding Link Governor and has a particular responsibility for all personnel related issues. She has acted as an external reviewer of schools Governing Bodies within Hertfordshire and is a Strategic Leader of Governance in the county. Before having her children (who both attended Greenway), Elizabeth was a partner with a large firm of solicitors in London specialising in high net worth divorce.

Responsibilities: Pay Committee; Governor Links – Safeguarding; E Safety; Data; Personnel

Michele Webb

Co-opted Governor (staff) – July 2022-2026

Michele was re-elected as a Co-opted non teaching Governor in July 2022 having previously served 8 years in the same role. Michele is a Higher Level Teaching Assistant and Midday Supervisory Assistant at Greenway.

Responsibilities: Governor link: Inclusion, SEN, Pupil Premium, Catch up Premium

To contact any of the Governors please telephone the school on 01442 866249 or email

Ex Governors who were in post in the school Year 2023-24: 
Fiona Duck, Co-Vice Chair of Governors

Ex Governors who were in post in the school Year 2022-23: 
Rich Millar, Parent Governor, Pay Committee
Tim Winmill, Pay Committee
Nicola Reid, Parent Governor, Equalities, British Values, Website Compliance; SFVS
Pam Campbell, Parent Governor, Data and Maths Curriculum

Ex Governors who were in post in the school Year 2021-22: 
Rachel Hesslegrave, Co-opted Governor , Curriculum & Learning Committee
Ian McCaul, Local Authority Governor, Curriculum & Learning Committee

Ex Governors who were in post in the school Year 2020-21: 
Beth Baylay, Co-opted Governor, Curriculum & Learning Committee

Ex Governors who were in post in the school Year 2019-20: 
Louise Farrow, LA appointed Governor, Personnel, Finance & Premises Committee
Alison Hoffman, Co-opted Governor, Personnel, Finance & Premises Committee
Beverley Murphy, Staff Governor, Personnel, Finance & Premises Committee

Ex Governors who were in post in the school Year 2018-19: 
Ann Marie Costelloe, Parent Governor, Curriculum & Learning Committee 
Claire Riches, Parent Governor, Personnel Finance & Premises Committee

Ex Governors who were in post in the school Year 2017-2018:
Mr Nigel Wiggins, Co-opted Governor & Vice Chair, Personnel Finance & Premises Committee, Curriculum & Learning Committee, Parent Forum