Foundation Stage – Reception
Children are admitted to school in the academic year in which their fifth birthday falls. All children start Reception class in September. Pupils continue to follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. Their learning is achieved through both adult led and child initiated experiences.
Reception pupils always go first to eat their lunch and then play in their own early years area. In the Summer term they join the older pupils in the playground and on the field.
A typical day in Reception:
08.55 Fine motor skills
09.20 Adult led Phonics
09.40 Child Initiated Play (CIP)
10.50 Snack/Child Initiated Play
11.10 Adult led
11.30 Prepare for lunch time
13.00 Register, adult led
13.30 Child Initiated Play (CIP)
15.00 Adult led story
15.15 Home time
Child Initiated Play (CIP) includes indoor and outdoor play activities.
Foundation Outdoor Learning
After carrying out pupil voice and visiting other settings, we have extended the outdoor learning area.
Whilst it primarily offers more physically challenging equipment, the sheltered area and imitation grass offers all-year round high quality provision.
Starting Reception Powerpoint Presentation (for September 2024 intake)
What to expect, when?
Guidance to your child’s learning and development in the Early Years Foundation Stage.