Health & Safety
Pupils are seen by the school doctor in their first year at school. The school nurse carries out hearing and eye tests as well as weight and height checks.
Your child’s safety is our prime concern. Pupils currently access the school via the main gates on Crossways or via the side gate on the alleyway leading to Gilbert Way. Doors are locked after pupils have arrived in school and visitors must enter school through the front door which has a safety lock on it. If pupils arrive late or need to leave school for any reason they must be signed in or out of the office.
Traffic congestion is a problem outside school. Parents are not permitted to enter the school grounds in a car between the hours of 8.00am and 5.00pm and are reminded that it is illegal to park in the turning circle on Crossways. We also remind parents that the speed limit on Crossways is 20 mph at all times. Parents are responsible for their children on the school site before and after school.