Greenway School Association
The Greenway School Association (GSA) is a charitable organisation to which all parents and guardians of children at the school automatically belong. It is run by a committee of parents and staff in their free time and the ultimate aim of the GSA is to enrich and enliven the education of the children by enhancing the environment and facilities within the school.
Over the years the GSA has raised funds by running events at the school – from Christmas and Summer fairs to cake sales, indulgence evenings, a barn dance and quiz nights. Fun events for children have included film nights and school discos. ‘Camping at Greenway’ has been run after our Summer Fair in the last few years and has proved to be very successful!
Getting involved is a great way to meet other parents and you don’t have to become a committee member to be involved. The GSA is always on the lookout for volunteers who are willing to help out at our events: even if you can only give a little time, it is always appreciated. Every class has a GSA class representative and keeps parents/carers informed of events and enlists helpers from willing volunteers when necessary!
The GSA supports areas of the National Curriculum in school with initiatives such as Maths, Arts, Science and Book Week. Over the years there have been major fundraising events that have raised funds for the Adventure trail, an enormous £40,000 towards the library, £15,000 for our double glazed windows and blinds, school i Pads, staging, cameras and annual theatre productions. The GSA also sponsors the Dacorum Card Scheme for parents on a low income.
Click here for more information about the GSA.
How to contact the GSA
If you need to contact the GSA then please email Information is displayed on the school noticeboard and the GSA post box which is in the main Reception area outside the school office.
We have several ongoing fundraising activities including:
Supermarket Voucher Scheme
This is a great way of supporting the school with minimal effort! And the school receives a great cashback from every order. For more information download our Supermarket Voucher Form and our Standing Order Request form or email the GSA.
Name Labels
We have teamed up with Easy2name who specialise in personalised labels for School clothing. The school receives cashback for all orders received. Download Easy2name Information.
Second hand uniform
The GSA holds a good supply of second hand uniform which is available to view at school events. If you have a specific request for items please email and mark your email ‘Second hand uniform’. The co-ordinator will then arrange for viewing items.
Parents whose children are starting at the school are welcome to contact us before they start school.
We always welcome donations of good quality items, throughout the year and also have collections towards the end of the summer term.
Fundraise whilst shopping
Why not do you internet shopping and raise money for Greenway at the same time? is a secure shopping portal supported by major retailers (Boden, Argos etc) that has great shopping discounts and earns cashback for the school. Just type Greenway School Association into the search box and start shopping!
Dates For Your Diary
The GSA have their own website providing a one-stop shop for parents/carers who want to use it to buy tickets, volunteer and find out what events are planned. You will also find posters, minutes and meeting information on the site.