Year 6

Year 6 enter the KNEX Challenge, March 2019

The KNEX Challenge (run by SETPOINT Hertfordshire) is an exciting opportunity for children to find out about mechanical engineering and the role of engineers in product design. The children worked in pairs to design and build their vision of a ‘Flying Machine of the Future’.

The challenge encourages teamwork and communication as well as problem solving, imagination and creativity. Each pair presented their ideas to the class and was judged by the STEM Ambassador who delivered the session.

The winning design was photographed and sent back to the SETPOINT office for the final judging process.

We have many budding engineers at Greenway and it was very difficult to pick the winners.

The overall winners were: Katie Atkin and Ava Brennan; Jacob Baylay-Ray and Jack Hedley Du Bois and Teddy Jelf and Issac Trueman.

Congratulation to them and all of Year 6!