Visit to Airbus Discovery Space, 25.06.19
On 25.06.19, as part of our Ogden Trust partnership, four schools (including 9 Year 6 children from Greenway) went to the Airbus Foundation Discovery Space in Stevenage.
This unique education centre provides a rich interactive education programme complemented by exclusive access to the Mars Rover Yard, where they were able witness history in the making!
They also: visited the interactive exhibits covering the themes of space, energy, forces and magnetism, materials and Maths; tested paper bangers to see who could make the loudest noise; looked at light, colour and reflection using kaleidoscopes and saw a interactive show investigating forces through Sir Isaac Newton’s laws of motion.
It was an amazing experience for the pupils. The extensive range of interactive activities made the day very worthwhile.
‘It was a great privilege to be allowed to go to the place where the Mars Rover is being built. We did wonderful scientific experiments and even saw a Mars Rover prototype. Overall, the trip was brilliant’, Sebastian Year 6.