Year 3

Year 3 Home Learning/Activities

Suggested activities

Reading/Reading comprehension

Writing task/write a daily diary

Maths task

 Daily reading

Art/creativity (of your choice)

Sport – keep active


Home learning

These tasks should not take up the whole day – do it in short bursts! Spread it out between breaks/lunch/activities

Other ideas to engage children in learning:

Write a diary.  What a fantastic thing to show their grandchildren (who hopefully won’t have to endure such testing times!)

Write to a penpal.  There are lots of online resources popping up to facilitate this (e.g.  Or what about set up the opportunity for your child to use your email address to write daily to one (or more!) of their friends at school?

Learn to touch type.  Again, lots of online platforms.  Try:

Keep a writing journal.  Encourage any and all writing.  Let them write freely and creatively – don’t ‘mark’!

Play – boardgames, jigsaws, cards etc.  Social interaction with family will be key in supporting mental health as well as developing practical maths and reading skills.  If you have a new game, have them read and explain the instructions.

Gardening – we have been learning about plants in science.  Facilitate the opportunity for the children explore and show you what they know. Link to ecology.  Can you grow your own food…? Grow a sunflower and measure its growth!

Art – paint, draw, sculpt and express!  Resist the urge to correct!  Guide children to explore materials and provide opportunities to copy, trace, make patterns etc.  No art is bad art.  If children ask ‘is this good?’ remind children that its good if someone (anyone!) likes it…and of course you do, (because they did it)! is excellent for inspiration!




English / Reading



If you can get outside, even in the garden, remember to go out for some fresh air and where possible do some home learning outside, play games and keep active.

Please do not feel like children should be sitting and working the entire time!


Take care

Mrs Bennett

School Closure Parents Letter
Home Learning Pack Guidance
Home Learning Pack
Practical Ideas
Reading with your Child – Parent Advice Booklet
School Closure Interactive Learning Links
Brilliant Book List