Year 4 Home Learning/Activities
Dear Parents,
I will continue to set work on Mathletics for the children to complete; all children have been given their login details again. On the back of this is their login details for Khan Academy (grade 4-5). This is a really useful website with many cross-curricular activities. I have also set up a pupil login for languageangels, which we use to support French. You will need to open the website not in chrome as the games are not supported by plugins. The Username for this is Greenwaypupils and the password is French1.
Useful websites
Year 4
Suggested activities
Reading/Reading comprehension
Writing task/write a daily diary
Maths task/Mathletics/Times tables rock stars
Daily reading
Art/creativity (of your choice)
Sport – keep active
Home learning
These tasks should not take up the whole day – do it in short bursts! Spread it out between breaks/lunch/activities
If you can get outside, even in the garden, remember to go out for some fresh air and where possible do some home learning outside, play games and keep active.
Please do not feel like children should be sitting and working the entire time!
Stay safe, see you all soon
Mr Loczy J