Maple News, Spring 1 2022
1. Reading Ravers!
In Year 6, we’re having a Reading Rave!
Children LOVE books (fact!)… but it’s very easy – especially in Year 6 – to not quite know what to choose or to have the resilience / encouragement to push through the first few chapters of a book…
This is why raving about reading works!
All the children in Year 6 are now set a daily reading challenge by Mrs Bennett: a section of their chosen book to read each day. Because Year 6 are so brilliant, they are pretty much all completing their challenges every day and surging through novels like you would not believe! The only rule is: if you get through 3 daily reading challenges and you don’t like your book, you can swap it.
Year 6’s have embraced the challenges brilliantly! Some children are getting through a book a week (!) and, most importantly, they are talking about the books they are reading, recommending books to friends and talking about what they like as much as what they don’t like. They have opinions about genres and authors – and that is just fantastic (what literary maturity!). We even have a Reading Raver of the week! (well done Eva for being our first!).
Keep reading Year 6 – its your biggest tool for academic success!
2. Fiction Typography
Whilst learning about features of different fiction genres in English, Mrs Bennett challenged the children to design some genre title posters for our Reading Corner in the classroom. We explored Typography – thinking about fonts, colours and backgrounds – to design an appropriate ‘heading’ for our favourite fiction genres.
Children thought carefully about colours, shapes and atmosphere. We looked at ‘bad’ typography (e.g. bubble writing coloured bright pink to advertise a funeral service, for example!) as well as designs that were perfectly fitting for the ideas they were trying to express.
Using Chromebooks, the children got to work to create lettering and images to depict the different fiction genres contained within our reading corner. They are now proudly – and inspirationally – displayed!