Willow News, Spring 1 2022
In art this half term, we have been learning about a famous artist called Joan Miró.
Joan Miró was a Spanish Catalan artist famous for combining abstract art with surrealism. He worked in a variety of media. Not only did he produce paintings and drawings, his body of work includes collages, murals, tapestries, and sculptures.
In class, we had a go at replicating some of the patterns in Miro’s paintings. We played a game called ‘Roll-a-Miro’, which involved rolling a dice to determine body parts on a surreal creature. We had lots of fun doing this!
We then used markers and oil pastels to create our own creature and were inspired by the lines and unusual shapes in Miro’s work. For our final lesson, we used paint to create another Miro inspired piece of art.
You can see some examples of our work in the pictures.