Year 6 visit to Luton Mosque, 31.03.22
On Thursday 31st March, Year 6 visited Luton Central Mosque.
They were welcomed by Imam Arfat who spent over an hour with the children exploring the
building, its symbols and how the mosque facilitates the Muslim community in and around Luton.
This visit has hugely supported their learning about Islam, which forms part of their Religious
Education curriculum, as demonstrated by some ‘pupil voice’ :
“I really liked the mosque. It was so calm and gentle.”
“I couldn’t believe how big it was. The imam taught me so much about the Islamic faith
and being in the mosque made it feel very special.”
“I was amazed that Muslim children learn how to recite the Qur’an in Arabic.
It sounds really hard!”
“The calligraphy and whole mosque was beautiful. I especially the soft carpet
and I loved the Imam’s chair.”
“I really enjoyed hearing the Imam recite a call to prayer. It sounded beautiful.”
“The Imam answered a lot of questions and I felt I learned a lot about how Muslims
pray and how the mosque is used by the community.”