Anti Bullying Week 13-17th November 2023
This year’s theme for Anti-Bullying Week was ‘Make A Noise About bullying!’
We launched the week with an Anti-Bullying Assembly and each class engaged in anti-bullying activities throughout the week.
Most of the school chose to wear odd socks during the week – a visual reminder to celebrate difference and to understand we are all unique.
Many children in KS1 and KS2 again enthusiastically took part in the anti-bullying competitions, designing anti-bullying posters, creating anti-bullying rhymes and raps and even designing and creating a 3D model. We have attached photographs of just a few of the many creative entries.
We celebrated our learning in a special Anti-Bullying Assembly on Wednesday 6th December. All those who took part in the competitions received a certificate and the winners could choose a small prize.
Well done to all those who took part and congratulations to the winners within each category – the standard was high, which made judging your entries a challenge!